The In Your Element

Fertility Yoga Program

Learn how Yoga, Breathwork + Meditation can:


Increase your fertility, ease anxiety, balance your hormones...and finally set you on your path to motherhood

 Join a safe online space with continued support throughout your fertility journey and beyond

3 x Weekly live practices + ongoing fertility workshops
Regular access to a fertility nurse for all your treatment questions
100s of online practices + personalized programs


Studies have shown that those who practice mind/body techniques achieve pregnancies at a rate almost 3 times greater than those who don't...


The tools you learn through Yoga, Breathwork + Meditation will provide you with the support you need to navigate the fertility journey:

  • Regain confidence within your body & your ability to fall pregnant 

  • Use a gentle + natural approach to support your cycle and also prepare for treatments like IUI + IVF

  • Learn ways to cope with the uncertainty of the fertility journey


Practicing Yoga, Breathwork + Meditation while trying to conceive will help you:

Take control of your journey:

Ease anxiety and remind yourself that you are capable and ready to carry a baby

Find a natural solution:

Safe, proven and science-based practices that will increase circulation & nourish your body

Improve success outcomes:

And provide you with the stress-reduction skills you need to move into pregnancy & beyond


What's Included?

  • 3 x weekly live practices, check-ins & support
  • Regular live workshops with fertility industry specialists (ask all your questions direct to the experts)
  • Direct email support & personalized programs so you know what to practice at each phase of your cycle
  • Complete IUI + IVF support programs, with day-by-day practices for each phase of your treatment + preparation guide
  • Access to 100s of on-demand yoga, breathwork & meditation practices for all stages of your cycle & fertility concerns
  • Ongoing access to a fertility nurse who can assist with interpreting test results, speak to you about treatment options & things to ask your doctor
  • Nutrition + supplementation advice compiled by a functional nutritionist
  • Support for male fertility incl yoga practices, nutrition + lifestyle advice and Q&As with urologists
  • Weekly mindset + manifestation practices to take your yoga practice off the mat

Real Women with Real Results

 "I had been trying to conceive for four years and had been through multiple losses and 2 unsuccessful IUI cycles. I felt like I was holding onto so much trauma and anxiety. We were about to move to IVF when I found your program. After 3 months, I decided to try one last IUI, and this one worked. Thank you for everything."

Gemma, UK

"I've had a history of irregular periods and PCOS. I started incorporating yoga and meditation into my mornings & after 2 months I noticed my cycles becoming more regular. 2 more cycles after that I fell pregnant naturally! So grateful I found your program when I did."

Kelly, USA

"This program has been a lifesaver! Jen I can't thank you enough for everything you do and I have loved working through your program. I have been struggling to conceive for 1.5 years with unexplained infertility. I am now 6 weeks pregnant after practicing your classes for the last few months. Recommend this to anyone who is on their TTC journey."

Casey, USA

Bonus Courses Included Within Your Program:


21 Days to Inner Calm Meditation Course

(Value $29)

A complete guide to getting started with meditation on your fertility journey


Manifesting Motherhood 5 Days to Zen Course

(Value $189)

Turn mental mayhem into confidence & certainty that baby is coming home


30+ Recorded Fertility Industry Workshops

(Value $550)

Everything from egg quality, to womb healing to spirit babies and MORE!

No joining fees, no long-term committments

$39US per month

Including access to the complete online Element Yoga, Breathwork + Meditation Course Library

(worth $1,137) 


I spent years on a fertility journey of my own...and I wish I had learnt these tools sooner

I struggled with my fertility & went through many rounds of IVF. I know what it feels like to want a baby more than anything.


Over the years, I've worked with women who:

  • Have had hormonal issues, PCOS, low AMH, endometriosis & missing periods
  • Have experienced multiple miscarriages 
  • Have been through unsuccessful IUI & IVF cycles
  • Think they've missed their chance or they're "too old"

Just like these women, for so long I felt like I was in a place where I couldn't move forward with my life. I couldn't plan for the future. Everyone around me seemed to be building their families...and I felt like I'd been left behind. 


Please know you're not alone on this journey. There's a beautiful community of women here to support you when you're ready.

Frequently asked questions

Please contact: [email protected] if you need any further support